Why Rey can't be a Kenobi...
You know, I would've loved to see another Kenobi in Star Wars after Obi-Wan and Satine's love confession in Voyage Of Temptation. If you don't know who Satine is how would you even follow this theory in the first place? Unfortunately, with some math you can see that the name "Rey Kenobi" isn't going to happen. Here's a timeline for information regarding the topic. All dates are cannon. Story Continues Below So according to these dates, Rey could not be a Kenobi. Here's why: 1. Luke is 53 years old at the time of the Force Awakens 2. Satine is killed when Obi-Wan is 38. 3. Luke is 19 at 0 BBY 4. Rey is 19 at the Force Awakens (34 ABY) 5. Luke is 34 at the birth year of Rey 6. Obi-Wan has died 15 years before Rey could be born, and Satine is dead 34 years before. Therefore, making it impossible to have a baby 34 years after your death. Also, in Rey's vision what seems to be her parents are taking off from Jakku, meaning that her parent ...